What is PPROP?
PARTIAL PROTECTED ROLL-OVER PLAN, a qualified money solution for clients 59 1/2 and older.
You can now transfer 50% to 90% of your current 401K, IRA, Thrift Savings Plan, Deferred Compensation Account, PLOP or DROP plans and receive up to a 20% immediate roll over bonus directly into your account.
Never again will you lose value and have guarantees based on your lifetime that you can not outlive.
Instead of hoping and praying that your account doesn't lose money, take action and let everlying you have worked decades for be protected and safe with guaranteed growth.
Finally after years of financial ups and downs, you are empowered to build your own financial roadmap that will work and you can count on to be there when you are ready to access your retirement funds. No more guessing, a REAL solultion!
Please contact us today. We will be happy to help you. This will be one of the most important phone calls you make this year.